I just added a
Show Notes section to
This will be the first in a series of Show Notes posts for broadcasts done on STO-Radio.com/Startrekradio.com/TrekRadio.com.
As I am not current, I will start with,
'Relections on October.'
General Mood of the Month:
What a creative, frustrating, angry, humble, thankful, jacked up, confused month October was. We covered every possible emotion.
The Thirteen Days of Halloween
Growth is painful, yet we all came together to do our first Audio Production called,
The Thirteen days of Halloween. Despite it being rushed, everyone was 'Johnny on the spot' and delivered some amazing lines. If there were Internet Awards for bet Audio Performance, I would nominate many of the DJ's.
We were fortunate to find the perfect voice for the 'Killer' in an old time listener, Morpheus (Jonathan Talon).
I was the Sound Editor (as well as Script Writer) on eight of the 13 Days and had a blast doing 'Foley'. Some of the DJ's sent in multiple takes and it was a shame that so much stuff had to end up on the cutting room floor (as they say). Sometimes they would leave bloopers in and those turned out to be stronger and more funny and ended up in the final.
There was a contest in conjunction with this production and the listener who was able to send in the final 'Body Count' number would win: A signed copy of,
Night of the Living Trekkies, a custom, I was killed on STO-RADIO tee-shirt, a 30 day key for Star Trek:Online (The MMO), 500,000 Energy Credits for Star Trek:Online.
The Thirteen Days of Halloween can be found in the On-Demand Section at
The Thirteen days of Halloween tee-shirt, as well as STO-Radio.com & Startrekradio merchandise is available at:
The 420 Show(s)
What can I say about the 420 shows? We smoked a lot of different kinds of Felicium (See: Star Trek Encyclopedia) this month. Bubble-Jack, Armagedden, Durbin, Royal Hawaiian, Kush... so many I can not remember them all. All of this was done outside of UFP space...so relax.
Many people would like to believe it's utopia in the 24th century. Sorry. Human Nature remains a constant and many people are not going to live by the rules you want them to live by. "Long Live MUDD!", "Long Live the Orion Syndicate!" (Especially the Great Green Orion Felicium Distribution Network).
The Great Brainstorm Show(s) for October.
"Best Brainstorm Ever!" - Rebel Weasel! (The 100 Year Mission Show)
The One Hundred Year Mission brainstorm discussed NASA/DARPA's plans to launch a one-way ship to Mars to start colonizing.
The brainstorm covered: Would you go? What technologies will be needed? How soon till travel speed increase, sex in space, children in space, disenfranchised planets, going to war with ourselves...etc. etc.