BEST TWEET of the WEEK from @joemichalczuk. Bob Orci just told me they've had a meeting with CBS to revive @StarTrek on TV...
Roberto Orci had a meeting with CBS to bring Star Trek back to Television.
A sudden twist when last week, Mr. Abrams said 'they (CBS) are not interested.'

The Star Trek fan base as a unique sub-culture has developed psychological needs related to canon that can now be satisfied through the use of Television and Online Experiences.
Others are trying and finding it may not be the 'Holy Grail' without pre-existing, strong icons and a fan base as described above.

Since 2003 I have been chatting and interviewing Star Trek writers, artists, creators, and the executives and developers from Paramount, Perpetual and Cryptic on the subject of Television Show/MMO (Massively Multi-player Online) tie-ins. At that time there were too many hurdles to prevent it before 2010.
Syfy/Trion were not able to do it till just this year.
Most of all those problems have now been solved and can continue to be solved until after the third, Abrams Star Trek movie when CBS should move on bringing it back
The mission to show people what is coming in the next one hundred years is more important than ever.
Knowing that you can mobilize a national and international identity with The Orignal Series icons is a powerful thing.
Being able for the first time to satisfy the psychological needs of this fan base to create, connect with and shape canon for record profits is the win/win.
That to me represents the power and (for better or worse) the glory of what is, 'The Golden Age of Televison'.
--Tony T.
Illustrator/Designer/Broadcaster: The Hailing Frequency Podcast, Argus Array Podcast, STO-Zone Live,, STO-Radio, Startrekradio,,, ST:Oned Cartoon Series.
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