Monday, June 28, 2010

Next Gen Energy Arrives!? CNN to report on man building Bussard Polywell

In 2007, I saw a video with the late Dr. Robert Bussard. In it he discusses the billions of dollars & half a lifetime spent chasing the 'Tokamak' reactor to total failure.  In the end, with little support & funding, he made the breakthrough.  The 'POLYWELL'.  (very long, very changing :) ) (See:  )

I knew of Dr. Bussard because of Star Trek & the technology described in the Star Trek Technical Manuals for the star ship Enterprise.  The devices on the front end of the nacelles of the Enterprise are Bussard Ramscoops & the 'flashing bulbs' on the front are the reactors harnesing what is pulled in by the Ramscoops. I believe we can now say that what are in those bulbs are Bussard Polywells (not Tokamak technology).

Shortly thereafter I discovered the web site of a person building one.     The above web-site just Tweeted that CNN will be in the lab with them this evening.  I am very much looking forward to that report.

A few months back I 'heard' the device (or the sound of the Geiger Counter, reading the device) on a radio-station in the inventor's area.
Odd related event:  2008. Las Vegas Hilton. Star Trek Convention floor:  I get a cell phone call from a 'Mr. Kirk'. who asks, "You know about Polywell?".   "Yes, sir.  I do." Says, I.  "We need to talk about this some more at a later time." "Alright, sir."  : click ::call ends ::    I have never heard back from, Mr. Kirk.   :)

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